torek, 23. julij 2013

SNFU – Better Than a Stick in the Eye (1988)

Še en kanadski band SNFU. Po mojem mnenju je tole njihova najboljša plošča. Odlično bobnanje, preprosto akcija. Enjoy!

1. “Time to Buy a Futon” 2:12
2. “G.I. Joe Gets Angry with Human Kind” 1:44
3. “The Quest for Fun” 2:13
4. “Tears” 2:35
5. “In the First Place” 3:29
6. “Postman’s Pet Peeve” 2:40
7. “What Good Hollywood?” 2:05
8. “The Happy Switch” 3:31
9. “Straightening Out the Shelves (Of My Mind)” 2:53
10. “Thee Maul That Heats Peephole” 2:22
11. “Tour Tantrum” 1:46
12. “Wild World” 3:38


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